Veganism + Athleticism = MAC DANZIG

Veganism + Athleticism = MAC DANZIG

Mixed Martial Arts fighter. Ultimate Fighter Champion. Photographer. Father. Vegan. MAC DANZIG. THE MAKING OF MAC On the basketball court and the soccer field in his younger years, and at the skate park in high school, Mac was always into sports as a child. His passion for athletics eventually lead him to become a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter at the turn of the millennium. Mac competed as a lightweight in several MMA promotions, most notably the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). He participated in and won the 6th season of The Ultimate Fighter, defeating Tom Speer. He also won Fight of the Night three times and Knockout of the Night once, along with other King of the Cage, Extreme Challenge Trials, and Gladiator Challenge competitions. But, Mac always left his…
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Vegan is Big

Vegan is Big

London, Ontario is rapidly becoming a leader in the Vegan Movement. A year ago things were happening, but today, the movement is exploding. London now has: 2 fully vegan restaurants: Plant Matter Kitchen and Glassroots A vegan food truck: McVegans A soon-to-open cafe: The Ground Up Organic Cafe 3 vegan bakeshops: The Boombox Bakeshop , Organic Works Bakery , and Naturally Vegan A vegan cheese company: Nuts For Cheese A vegan online store and bricks & mortar store: Globally Local A vegan online store: One Stop Vegan Shop 2 vegan societies: Western Ontario Vegan Society and Fanshawe Vegan Association 2 activist groups: Animal Liberation Alliance London and London Chicken Save 2 local farm sanctuaries: Cedar Row and FrogHollow Not to mention the rapidly growing list of vegan-friendly options around almost…
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Documentary Review: Forks Over Knives

Documentary Review: Forks Over Knives

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” ~ Thomas Edison ~ Diabetes. Hypertension. Cancers. Bone disease. Tendonitis. Fatigue. These conditions (and a host of others) can be tackled by simply eliminating animal and animal by-products from our diets. It might sound too simple to be true—but it is true! The groundbreaking documentary Forks Over Knives gives us a glimpse into the health, political, ethical, and social consequences that come with the consumption of meat and dairy. A New Way of Eating In an era of highly concentrated sugar and fat, where people are eating foods rich in calories but poor in nutrients, Forks Over Knives shines light on a health crisis and epidemic that…
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It’s National Cashew Day!

It’s National Cashew Day!

    They’re perfect for snacking on, turning up the traditional stir-fry a couple notches, and are an excellent source of antioxidants and minerals. They’re shaped like a kidney bean, originate from an apple, and have their own distinct taste. They’re cashews, and today is their special day! Plant Matter Kitchen is celebrating with our very own Cashew Cheesecake! Cashews Come from Where!? Did you know that cashews come from the bottom of the cashew apple? They do… amazing! The cashew apple looks like a mix between a Pink Lady apple (in colour) and a red bell pepper (in shape), and is native to northeastern Brazil. They’re protected by a double shell that contains urushiol acids, which is the same sap found in poison ivy that causes skin irritation. They…
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Veganism + Athleticism = DAVID CARTER

Veganism + Athleticism = DAVID CARTER

He’s 300 pounds. He’s a NFL Defensive Lineman. He’s an animal rights advocate who breaks the mould of traditional veganism. David Carter Famously known as The 300 Pound Vegan, David Carter is a powerhouse—both in strength and in activism. The man who plays for the Chicago Bears (and formerly played for the Arizona Cardinals, Dallas Cowboys, Oakland Raiders, and Jacksonville Jaguars), also uses his celebrity, passion, and strength to raise awareness to the rights of animals. The documentary Forks Over Knives is what did it for David. Suffering from extreme tendinitis at the time, David was intrigued by how dairy and animal fats can cause inflammation in joints, and decided it was time to rid animal and animal by-products from his diet. In February 2014, he converted to veganism and…
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"The purpose of VEGFEST is to spread the word about veganism,” VEGFEST Organizer Brittany Bragg told Plant Matter Kitchen, “and to educate people and bring the community together over something that’s really positive." COMMUNITY + COMPASSION + PLANTS = VEGFEST LONDON PMK’S PRE-PARTY On November 3rd, Plant Matter Kitchen hosted the official VEGFEST Pre-Festival Dinner Party. With music from “A Pair’s 3” setting the tone and chatter filling the eatery, guests chose from a menu of main dishes including: Lentil Lasagna with Veggies, Mild Ginger Chickpea Curry, and a Raw Zucchini Bowl with Pesto. PMK hosted nearly 1,000 guests over two dinner seatings and raised $1,200 for VEGFEST! Check out our VLOG on the evening! What It’s All About At our Pre-Festival Dinner Party, Brittany filled us in on what…
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Veganism Is For Animals, Too!

Veganism Is For Animals, Too!

Plant Power doesn’t only apply to humans, it applies to animals too! Research indicates that “ailments associated with meat consumption in humans, such as allergies, cancer, and kidney, heart, and bone problems, also affect many nonhumans”—such as our dogs. The answer? A vegan, nutrient-rich, plant-based diet—for dogs! Kona & Banksy—The Exemplar Dogs Glenn Whitehead, cofounder of PMK, and his family have two furry-friends of their own: Kona the Golden Retriever and Banksy the rescue Boxer Beagle mixed breed. Just like everyone else in their family, Kona and Banksy only get the best of the best when it comes to food. “We treat our dogs’ diet the same way we treat our own,” says Glenn, “we don’t feed them anything that’s unethically sourced, that contains animals or animal byproducts, or that…
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Veganism + Athleticism = RICH ROLL

Veganism + Athleticism = RICH ROLL

Ultra endurance athlete. Best selling author. Wellness evangelist. Vegan. Rich Roll embodies the coupling of veganism and athleticism like no one else. Rich’s Story A graduate from Stanford University (where he was a butterfly swimmer) and Cornell Law School, and former entertainment attorney, Rich is now a renowned vegan, motivational speaker, plant-based nutrition advocate, and bestselling author. He wasn’t always this way, though. After suffering from drugs and alcohol abuse in his 20s, and being overweight and unhealthy in his 30s, Rich decided it was time to make a drastic life change in his 40s. He completely overhauled his lifestyle, changing the way he approached food, fitness, and his overall perspective on life. Within the first 10 days, Rich experienced a tremendous upswing in energy levels, indicating that his body…
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Fall Harvest at PMK: Passionate About Pumpkins!

Fall Harvest at PMK: Passionate About Pumpkins!

‘Tis the season of fall colours, comfy scarves, hoodie sweaters, fresh autumn air, candy apples, pretty chrysanthemums, hearty veggies sprinkled with brown sugar… and pumpkins! The Healthy, Cucurbitaceae Family The proverbial siblings of cucumbers and melons, pumpkins are fruits that belong to the Cucurbitaceae family. Known more specifically as the Cucurbitaceae Pepo, pumpkins—as we more commonly know them—are winter squashes that: Harvest at maturity Have consumable seeds Have outer shells that aren’t typically eaten Pumpkins not only have a fancy name, but they also have superb health benefits too! Pumpkins are rich in antioxidants—the oranger, the better! Pumpkin seeds are abundant with zinc, vitamin E & healthy oils Pumpkins benefit your vision, skin & immune system Seasonal Selections: PMK’s Fall Harvest Vlog Did you know that the Triamble Pumpkin is…
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Mangia, Mangia! Mondays are for Pasta at PMK

Mangia, Mangia! Mondays are for Pasta at PMK

    Passionate vegans. Pathfinders of pure foods. Health conscious. Creative at heart and in taste. Glenn Whitehead and Melanie Wandt, business partners and co-founders of PMK, bring much of what they cook at home into their restaurant on a daily basis. PMK guests are served only the best food. Melanie and Glenn agree that they only serve their guests what they serve their loved ones; if there’s anything they wouldn't serve their family, they wouldn’t serve it at Plant Matter Kitchen. Glenn, Melanie, and their team collaborate day-in and day-out, crafting new recipes and tasty concoctions sure to please their guests. Monday’s Special: Pasta! Every Monday, PMK serves up unique pasta dishes featuring different noodles, sauces, and flavours. Some of the Monday pasta features include: Butternut Squash Ravioli with…
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