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At Plant Matter Kitchen, we’re aware that while caring and being conscious of the safety and security of our environment has a lot to do with the food on our plate, but it’s a topic that is more than food-deep.


We are accountable for the food we serve. Not only is the food on our plates completely vegan, it is always organic, gmo-free, and local — all three of which help drastically reduce our carbon footprint by avoiding the damaging and devastating system of factory farming.

David Suzuki, renowned Canadian environmentalist, offers various ways to reduce our carbon footprint on a daily basis — many of which Plant Matter Kitchen already practises!

USE GREEN ENERGY: Plant Matter Kitchen is completely powered by clean, green energy through Bullfrog Power, Canada’s 100% green energy provider. “Climate change is the single biggest issue facing our planet,” notes the website, hence Bullfrog Power’s commitment to reduce “emissions footprint and support the growth of renewable energy in Canada.”

GO MEAT-FREE: Food-induced climate change primarily stems from the meat industry. Livestock, which are raised for consumption produce a devastating amount of greenhouse gases and other chemicals that are toxic to the environment. By not serving meat or any animal byproducts, Plant Matter Kitchen helps avoid this environmentally damaging industry.

CHOOSE RECYCLABLE PRODUCTS WHENEVER POSSIBLE: All of our take-out containers are biodegradable and compostable, and our tables are made with reclaimed wood by London’s very own Wood On Steel, who create beautiful furniture pieces from domestically sourced salvaged wood.

DECORATE WITH THE ENVIRONMENT IN MIND: Our commitment to clean, eco-friendly products is considered in all facets of our eatery, including our walls, which are coloured with paint that is free from VOC.


There are amazing things happening around the world — and right around the corner — that are inspiring us to do good on the environment each and every day. Check out some amazing initiatives:

GREEN CITIES: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the World Economic Forum teamed up to create Treepedia, “a website which measures and compares cities’ green canopies.” Of the world’s 7 greenest cities, Canada’s very own Toronto, Ontario is rated #5 and Vancouver, British Columbia is #1. We hope that London will make the short list very soon, and are excited to help our city get there!

CLIMATE CHANGE & CAPITALISM: Naomi Klein‘s newest book, This Changes Everything, was a project of her spending “6 years wandering through the wreckage caused by the carbon in the air and the economic system that put it there,” says Klein. This project shows how the global North, with less than 20% of the world’s population, is responsible for over 70% of global emissions… and those who are the most affected by environmental degradation and injustice played the very least in causing this crisis to begin with. Get the book, check out the documentary, and get involved!

SAY NO TO FOSSIL FUELS: Ireland is starting the year off right, taking drastic steps against climate change. In January, “the Irish parliament secured cross-party support for a measure to end to the government’s support of fossil fuels.” If this motion is successful, Ireland will be the first country to divest in fossil fuels, never to return. Independent TD Thomas Pringle, who introduced the bill, said:

“This principle of ethical financing is a symbol to these global corporations that their continual manipulation of climate science, denial of the existence of climate change and their controversial lobbying practices of politicians around the world is no longer tolerated.”

DESALINATION: Long having faced issues with drought, Israel has been embracing models of desalination (of seawater and brackish well water) for over a decade; today, about 25% of the country’s fresh water is created through this filtration process. One of these Israeli desalination plants is opening up in San Diego to help combat their issues with drought.


There are many ways to reduce your carbon footprint and help make the world greener, cleaner, and more environmentally sound.

Kudos to the women, men, organizations, governments, and teams of like minded people who are using science, academics, and natural resources to combat climate change. Just as impactful change takes place on the world stage, so too can it take place in your very own home!

If you’re not vegan or vegetarian, how about going meatless one day per week by joining the Meatless Monday movement. Recycle as often as you can—start by bringing reusable bags to the grocery store and refillable water bottles to the gym. Fill your home with natural, toxin-free cleaning products—did you know that all natural vinegar can can clean an endless list of items in your house?

Bullfrog Power, Clean Energy, Climate Change, David Suzuki, Desalination, Green Energy, Green Living, Green Movement, Ireland, Israel, Meatless Monday, Naomi Klein, Recycle, Toronto, Vancouver, Wood on Steel, World Economic Forum

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