Move over, Moosewood: The face of veganism is changing

Move over, Moosewood: The face of veganism is changing

Veganism, once associated solely with hippies, grassroots communal living communities and farmers markets, has a new reputation—one that’s urban, sleek, and causing investors to take notice. Animal rights, environmental concerns, or health are the three main traditional and philosophical drivers behind choosing a vegan diet. But there’s a new factor driving change in the vegan food industry: buying power. Economic research shows us that Millennials (the generation born between 1982 and 2000) are a generation worth paying attention to, especially when it comes to their buying power and their eating habits. Millennials make up a full quarter of the population and now outnumber Baby Boomers, and it’s estimated that they account for an estimated $200 billion in annual buying power; Millennials are viewed as trendsetters with tremendous influence in market…
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