Cheers to National Beer Lover’s Day!
Today is National Beer Lover’s Day—and we love ourselves some chilled, robust, distinctive, locally-brewed beer at Plant Matter Kitchen. This day was apparently founded by John-Bryan Hopkins, who is the creator of Foodimentary, the official go-to source for food holidays. On the day when folks were celebrating National Acorn Squash Day, Hopkins was in the mood for a beer, and hence National Beer Lover’s Day became an annual celebration. At PMK, we serve squash and beer—both of which are vegan, locally and ethically sourced. In honour of this national day, we’d like to take a moment and acknowledge our four feature breweries at PMK: Anderson Craft Ales, Beau’s All Natural Brewing Company, Forked River Brewing Company, and MacLean’s Ales Inc. Do you know why carry these beers over other beers?…